11/6及11/7日 08:30~17:30 工研院

張貼日期:2017/10/11 上午 03:48:10


There have been thirteen years since the discovery of the first isolated graphene. Many kinds of graphene mass production technologies have been reported on international conference. The price of graphene powder drastically decreases from over 1,000 USD/g to below 1 USD/g. Graphene are widely applied in complex materials, semiconductor, energy storage, biotechnology fields….and so on. We will invite UK, USA, Hong Kong, Japan, Korea and so on international and domestic scholars and experts to talk about the fundamentals, analysis, hardware, manufacturing processes, and applications of graphene.

l 委辦單位:經濟部技術處

l 執行單位:工業技術研究院

l 時間:106年11月6及7日 08:30~17:30

l 地點:工研院中興院區22館第一會議室(新竹縣竹東鎮中興路四段195號)

l 課程定價:每人NT 5,000元整(含稅) (精緻茶點、午餐)




l 主辦單位/洽詢電話:工研院產業學院 台北學習中心

l 連 絡 人:蘇小姐(02)-2370-1111 分機 313/李小姐(02)-2370-1111 分機316

l 報名方式:線上報名http://college.itri.org.tw,或請將報名表傳真至02-2381-1000。

11/6 (一) 議程 Agenda

11/7 (二) 議程 Agenda